The Chamber of Legislature, where all measures are initiated, discussed, and prepared for approval of the the people and passed down to the Dar Al' Wazirate (House of Ministries) for enforcement.
Our Nation's governing laws and guides EVERY Moor of the Al Moroccan Nation should know and innerstand can be found below.
How can you save yourself if you don't know how much power you possess!
Our Nation's governing laws and guides EVERY Moor of the Al Moroccan Nation should know and innerstand can be found below.
How can you save yourself if you don't know how much power you possess!
The 42 Laws of Ma'at
Ma’at was the goddess of truth and justice, embodying the essential harmony of the universe. She was depicted as a seated woman wearing an ostrich feather, or sometimes just as the feather itself. Her power regulated the seasons and the movement of the stars. Ma’at was the patron of justice and the symbol of ancient Egyptian ethics, so the Vizier who was in charge of the Law Courts went by the title Priest of Maat.
Maat or Maʽat, refers to the ancient Egyptian concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice. The fundamental order of the universe. The Ancient Egyptians believed strongly that every individual was responsible for his or her own life and that life should be lived with other people and the earth in mind. In the same way that the gods cared for humanity, so should humans care for each other and the earth which they had been provided with. This philosophy is evident in every aspect of Egyptian culture from the way they constructed their cities to the balance and symmetry of their temples and monuments. If one lived harmoniously in the will of the gods, then one was living in harmony with the concept of Ma’at and the goddess who embodied that concept. One was free to live however one wanted, of course, and completely ignore the principle of Ma’at, but eventually one would face the trial which awaited everyone: judgment in the Hall of Truth (also known as The Hall of Two Truths) in the afterlife. Ma’at the ultimate judge and the heart of the newly deceased was weighed against her feather in the Hall of Two Truths. Ammut, devourer of the dead, ate those who failed her test.
The earliest surviving records indicating that Maat is the norm for nature and society, in this world and the next, were recorded during the Old Kingdom, the earliest substantial surviving examples being found in the Pyramid Texts of Unas (ca. 2375 BCE and 2345 BCE)
The 42 Declarations of Innocence to Ma'at
DownloadThe 42 Ideals of Ma'at
DownloadMother of the Matriarch - Empress
Chief Sultan
Chief Amir
Chief Rasm
Chief Hajib
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Amity and Commerce [ex rel. Treaty of Peace and Friendship] of 1787/1836
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nation hall meeting: Every 1st Sunday of Every Month at 8pm presented by the amena council on behalf of the al moroccan sovereign national republic government
We invite you to come share your thoughts and ideas to help strengthen and restore our Nation back to the Divine principles of Hibu, Haqq, Salaam, Hurryatun, and Adl in honor of our Foremothers & Forefathers. This is the time we Mu’urs get a chance to commune together to revitalize, strategize, and develop our Nation's Interest to restore our economic, social, cultural, justice system and more. The