The sovereignty of a nations people is tied to their birthright. Birthrights are people's unalienable rights that are lawfully recognized at birth by ALL international governments. The sovereignty of a nation is lawfully recognized by their nationality, tribal appellation/title, land constitution, flagS, and seal.
"Old Glory"
Our cherry red National Flag displaying a five pointed star in the center which embodies the High Principles and Moor-al Standards of our nation symbolizing
Love , Truth , Peace , Freedom , and Justice
In 1666 the Alaouite Dynasty took over and adopted a flag with a plain red field. This flag was used until 1912 when the country came under the rule of France and Spain. From 1912 to 1956, the flag of the French Protectorate in Morocco consisted of a red background with a green five-pointed star at the center.
Our Tribal Flag represents our highly spiritual tribe of aboriginal, indigenous Al Moroccans [Americans] Mu'urs who were originally called Washitaw Mu’urs (or Ouachita as it was amended by others throughout our history). We are the original inhabitants of all the lands from wherever you find mound sites you find part of the Empire.
Our Tribal Flag represents our highly spiritual tribe of aboriginal, indigenous Al Moroccans [Americans] Mu'urs who were originally called Washitaw Mu’urs (or Ouachita as it was amended by others throughout our history). We are the original inhabitants of all the lands from wherever you find mound sites you find part of the Empire.
We are the Mound Builders and are recorded as The Oldest Indigenous People on Earth.
The Great Seal of The Al Moroccan Nation represents the de jure sovereign authority of the primitive and aboriginal Moors, emanating from birthrights and inheritance. That is the Moors have sovereign authority over their jurisdictional affairs and the land of Al Moroc ( North, Central and South America and the adjoining islands).
Theses titles are known and respected throughout the world as well as this continent and for confirmation of this fact research HJR 75
The Restoration Declaration of the Al Moroccan Empire Nation
DownloadNorthwest Amexem, Southwest Amexem, and Central Amexem along with the adjoining islands-The Land of the Muurs, the descendants of the Ancient Moabites and Canaanites. In these contemporary times, Amexem is called America.
These are some the name Amexem has been called
Egypt, (Hikuptah) is ‘The Capital Empire of the Dominion of Africa’. The Inhabitants of Africa are the Descendants of the Ancient Canaanites from the Land of Canaan. The Moabites, from the Land of Moab, who received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa; they were the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire. This includes Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Mauritania, and the Americas, with their Canaanite, Hittite and Amorite brethren who sojourned from the Land of Canaan seeking new homes. Their Dominion and Inhabitation extended from North-East and South-West Africa, across the great Atlantis, even unto the present North America, South America and Central America; and also Mexico and the Atlantis Islands (Americana) before the great earthquake, which caused the great Atlantic Ocean.
To bind back to your ancient Foremothers and Forfathers we Moors / Al Moroccan / Mu'urs nationality Have, Proclaim and Possess the Unalienable Rights, Substantive Rights, and Birthright - Inheritance to our ancient pedigree traditions and Customs, and the Right of Claim to our Al Moroccan Attributes, Names, and Nationality, substantiated by, and supported by, Nature’s Laws, by Divine Law, by Primogeniture, and by the recognized Laws of the Nations of the Earth (International). Being the true, Ancient, Aboriginal / Indigenes and Heirs of the Land (Amexem / America) – ‘The North Gate’, being the geographical heart-land (Maghrib) of the Moroccan Empire. Moors / Mu'urs are the ‘De jure’ and rightful Freeholders by Birthright, by Inheritance and by Primogeniture Status; and have by those Inherited Rights, Descendible Claims To the land and it’s resources of our Mother.
The descendants of the Ancient Moabites. The true Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples who inhabited the Southwestern and Northwestern Continents (Lands) of Ancient Amexem / Al Moroc now called The Americas (North, Central, and South, and the adjoining islands). Through the reconstruction of historical writings (The Dark Period) these peoples and their lands have been renamed or "branded" to confuse the People, concerning the true geographical location of their Native lands, which are under European siege (Colonization). Moors are bound to the Continent of The Americas by Heritage and Birthright.
"If laws govern the conduct of a nation, and laws should be ethical; then laws and ethics should be the same. "
Natural Law: Rule of conduct arising out of the natural relations of human beings, established by the Creator, and existing prior to any positive precept Webster. The foundation of this law is placed by the best writers in the will of God, discovered by right reason, and aided by divine revelation ; and its principles, when applicable, apply with equal obligation to individuals and to nations. 1 Kent, Comm. 2, note; Id 4, note.
See Jus NATURALE. The rule and dictate of right reason, showing the moral deformity or moral necessity there is in any act, according to its suitableness or unsuitableness to a reasonable nature. Tayl. Civil Law, 99. Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
The 42 Laws of Ma'at
Ma’at was the goddess of truth and justice, embodying the essential harmony of the universe. She was depicted as a seated woman wearing an ostrich feather, or sometimes just as the feather itself. Her power regulated the seasons and the movement of the stars. Ma’at was the patron of justice and the symbol of ancient Egyptian ethics, so the Vizier who was in charge of the Law Courts went by the title Priest of Maat.
Maat or Maʽat, refers to the ancient Egyptian concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice. The fundamental order of the universe. The Ancient Egyptians believed strongly that every individual was responsible for his or her own life and that life should be lived with other people and the earth in mind. In the same way that the gods cared for humanity, so should humans care for each other and the earth which they had been provided with. This philosophy is evident in every aspect of Egyptian culture from the way they constructed their cities to the balance and symmetry of their temples and monuments. If one lived harmoniously in the will of the gods, then one was living in harmony with the concept of Ma’at and the goddess who embodied that concept. One was free to live however one wanted, of course, and completely ignore the principle of Ma’at, but eventually one would face the trial which awaited everyone: judgment in the Hall of Truth (also known as The Hall of Two Truths) in the afterlife. Ma’at the ultimate judge and the heart of the newly deceased was weighed against her feather in the Hall of Two Truths. Ammut, devourer of the dead, ate those who failed her test.
The earliest surviving records indicating that Maat is the norm for nature and society, in this world and the next, were recorded during the Old Kingdom, the earliest substantial surviving examples being found in the Pyramid Texts of Unas (ca. 2375 BCE and 2345 BCE)
The 42 Declarations of Innocence to Ma'at
DownloadThe 42 Ideals of Ma'at
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Al Moroccan Empire at Northwest Amexem
Al Moroccan Empire Sovereign National Republic Government
Al Moroccan Empire Nation ©
All Rights Reserved.
Amity and Commerce [ex rel. Treaty of Peace and Friendship] of 1787/1836
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nation hall meeting: Every 1st Sunday of Every Month at 8pm presented by the amena council on behalf of the al moroccan sovereign national republic government
We invite you to come share your thoughts and ideas to help strengthen and restore our Nation back to the Divine principles of Hibu, Haqq, Salaam, Hurryatun, and Adl in honor of our Foremothers & Forefathers. This is the time we Mu’urs get a chance to commune together to revitalize, strategize, and develop our Nation's Interest to restore our economic, social, cultural, justice system and more. The