United States Company (Inc.) Articles of Incorporation
Title 28 USC (United States Code) 3002 Definitions
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States;
or (C) an instrumentality of the United States
Here's everything you need to know to prove they are NOT a Sovereign Government but a Corporation.
No different from McDonald's or Walmart. They can be sued !
Articles of Association, 1774 (pdf)
DownloadDeclaration of Independence 1776 (pdf)
DownloadArticles of Confederation 1781 (pdf)
DownloadOrganic united States Constitution 1789 (pdf)
DownloadArticles of Incorporation of U.S. Corp Company- 1925 (pdf)
DownloadTitle 22 USC Foreign Relations and Intercource (pdf)
DownloadU.S. Duns & Bradstreet Company Profile - Duns #161906193 (pdf)
Download28 U.S. Code § 3002 - Definitions _ U.S. Code (pdf)
DownloadClearfield Doctrine Clearfield Trust Co vs United States 318 US 363 1942 (pdf)
DownloadCongressional Record 14th Amendment unconstitutional (pdf)
DownloadLieber_Code (pdf)
Downloadcode of Hammurabi (pdf)
DownloadInter Caetera (pdf)
DownloadWillie Lynch Letter 1712 (pdf)
DownloadVienna Convention (pdf)
DownloadConsular Notification & Access Manual
The Consular Notification & Access is the Foreign Policy' of the UNITED STATES (Inc.) in which all colorable law enforcement agencies, etc., operating/acting under the color(appearance) of authority in Morocco at North-West Amexem / North American must following when regarding to all nationals that are foreign to the United States Corporation i.e. NON- U.S. Citizen.
The sole purpose of such 'Foreign Policy' is so that the UNITED STATES (Inc.) and its subsidiaries will be in full compliance with their Treaty obligations with other foreign nations, which includes the Moroccan Empire.
’Foreign Policy' came into effect as a result of the UNITED STATES (Inc.) giving up their extraterritorial jurisdiction in Morocco by Title 22 USC 141 - 143 being repealed, and by the United States consular courts in Morocco being abolished pursuant to Public Law 856, Act of August 1, 1956.
Please innerstand what Consul means!
Consul - An officer of commercial character appointed by different Nations to watch over the mercantile and tourist interest in ANOTHER Nations territory. - Black's Law 5th Ed]
You are on YOUR land. United States needs Consular Jurisdiction to operate in Morocco. However, they relinquished that jurisdiction August 1st 1956. They have no standing at law ONLY by way of "Contracts" can they exercise any kind of extraterritorial jurisdiction .
The de facto Administrative U.S. Corporation Company (Inc.) and its agents were ordered by the pope July 4, 2014 to cease and desist any and all High Crimes and Treason. Its now up to us to command the removal of them from our Lands.
Proof that this is the Moroccan Empire
Copyright © Nunc Pro Tunc - current
Al Moroccan Empire at Northwest Amexem
Al Moroccan Empire Sovereign National Republic Government
Al Moroccan Empire Nation ©
All Rights Reserved.
Amity and Commerce [ex rel. Treaty of Peace and Friendship] of 1787/1836
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nation hall meeting: Every 1st Sunday of Every Month at 8pm presented by the amena council on behalf of the al moroccan sovereign national republic government
We invite you to come share your thoughts and ideas to help strengthen and restore our Nation back to the Divine principles of Hibu, Haqq, Salaam, Hurryatun, and Adl in honor of our Foremothers & Forefathers. This is the time we Mu’urs get a chance to commune together to revitalize, strategize, and develop our Nation's Interest to restore our economic, social, cultural, justice system and more. The